Thursday, February 4, 2016

Second post : Crazy Monkey... Damn YOu!!

Hellloww Doobiesss
what'z up?!
The first experience i want to share to all of you guys happened last year,, on December 28th exactly. I was spending my christmas holiday just at home (as always) when my friend asked me to go out with some of my classmates. Actually I didn't want to 'coz I was just  getting better from sick..but..... I thought going out for some fresh air might not be a bad idea so I decided to go.

It was 'Gua Monyet' that we chose to visit. We were bored to go to the beach so we picked a totally different place than usual. Alright, let's get back to "Gua Monyet". The place was named Gua Monyet 'coz there are many monkeys living inside the cave (Monyet means monkeys). It's not like common caves you've ever seen. Just some holes of mountain coral-stone which are look like caves (I don't know what im saying. Just picture any cave you like LOL)

Before getting there, we stopped by at a snack bar to buy some snacks for us and for the monkeys, of course. We were told that if we go there without bringing snacks or something to eat, the monkeys will get angry and carry away our belongings. That's why we prepared everything well 'coz we didn't want they stole our bag or HP into their caves :D LoL

Right after we were there, one by one monkeys were coming out from the cave and looking at  us. We fed them the snacks. They were so tame that you don't have to be afraid that your hands will be eaten/bitten/chewed by them. I gave them food in my hand and they ate that, not my hand but the food certainly  :v

       (It's me :) feeding the monkey)

The crazy thing was,, even I've fed them, they still stole my own belonging. My Coca-Cola. Yeahh one of the monkeys ( I bet he was the worst/naughtiest one) grabbed the coca-cola from my hand. I only had a sip (Damn Monkey) ..

Look! looks like he enjoyed the cola so much.. my coca-cola :( 
I promise one day if I come back here I will bring a bottle of whiskey,, A special gift for this one brat (The coca-cola monkey).

And not only my coca-cola.. a bottle of mineral water (AQUA) was also stolen by one of them (maybe the best friend of that one which has stolen my coca-cola :D). Since the bottle couldn't be opened, he tore the bottle using his teeth till the water came out and he drank it up.
I was wondering,, Do monkeys eat and drink everything we eat and drink? after coca-cola, AQUA,  what's next? Coffee? Tea? duhh

By the way, that was one of many nice experience i've ever had (however the monkeys were not all nice) :D

The thing that  has been stuck in my mind is,, is that kind of place will still exist in this modern n global world? Let's say a decade from now... How long till the place be changed to hotels or any factory buildings?  Will the monkeys survive? Or will they have the same fate as the great dinosaurs?

Friday, January 22, 2016

About Me_First post : Introduction

Hello Doobies!!!
It's Ruth here. Nice to meet you :)
Alright, as it is written in my blog description "it's the story of my life" which definitely means that this blog's gonna be contained every story of mine, based on my own experience and daily life. You might be thinking that this blog sucks. Of course, nowadays many people post important things on their blogs such as updated news, tutorial, school material, and so on. It's cool and useful. I do like reading those kind of blogs for they can make me become a little smarter ( A LITTLE ^_^). 

However, I think writing this kind of blog (like this) is not really bad, honestly. I just wanna share my crazy-happy-funny and maybe there're also bad-sad stories about me and my life. My mom always says that don't keep all feelings in your heart and don't keep all thoughts in your brain. Sometimes you need to say out loud what you think, there's always someone out there willing to hear you.

So.. I write this blog and expect that there's someone out there willing to hear me (LIE! I'm just bored). Besides, I wanna improve my English. I'm a second-year university student majoring English. Writing a lot can make my English better (my lecturer said that), that's why I'm trying to get used to writing a blog in English. Anyway I'm still an Indonesian, so if you wanna say something to me in Indonesia, it doesn't matter (Lol as if anyone would) oo yeaa and please correct me if you find some errors in my writing (Idc if you don't tho. I'll be back here years later, reading this ill-grammar blog and laugh at my idiocy).

Okay, let's get back to the point, Introduction. My name is Ruth ( I know i have mentioned, don't complain), but my friends call me Uthe, anyway i think Ecen is better. I was born on Bali, March 11th 1997 (so complete). I'm a single daughter in my family and only have an older brother (we are ten years apart O_o ).. I love reading any kind of book especially fiction novel like Harry Potter, detective nove like Agatha Christie's, and Conspiration novel like The Da Vinci Code and the like. I love writing especially writing poem. I do like painting and drawing. I like playing the guitar and I really want to be able to play piano too. I enjoy singing out loud when it rains a lot. I love chocolate. well I think I can't explain everything that I like :d To make it simple, I am interested in art, music, science and many other scope except sport.

What else???  I'm an animal lover. I remember when I was 9 I watched a movie, it was about a whale shark (wait, a whale or a shark? anyway... it's a giant fish) who died for her child. I watched the shark being caught by the damn pirates, it stuck in the net and finally, the heroic mommy shark died. This movie made my pillow wet all night, and I was buried in sadness for almost two weeks. Just because a fiction movie! My dad said that animal lover is not the right phrase to describe me.. so what's the right phrase? Animal maniac? LMFAO

Well, dooby, I think I'm running out of idea. It's the most difficult part when i have to explain about who I am. Okay, let  see 'me' from my friends perspective. They said that I'm a nerd. The weird one. When they asked me 'what you've been thinking?' my answer was 'I've been thinking about this universe' so what? Is it weird to think about the universe? when I told them what i know about Einstain Relativity, they looked at me as if I was an Alien. When we discussed about global warming, I said the production of CO2 can't be decreased nowadays (just think about it), so the world (humans) have to figure out how to change it to other harmless or even useful gases. They all looked at me as if i was the visible CO2. When they saw me read, studied and wrote, they would raise their eyebrow and said 'how can you do that all the time?' on the other side, when I saw them sitting in group and just talking shits,i was wondering 'how can they do that till hours?' 
It makes me thinking all the time, between me and my friends, who's the weird one?

By the way, do not ever think that I'm a studyholic. Heck i'm not! I just love to discover new things and 'weird things'. I read and write just for fun. The same as I play Minesweeper or Chess (those are my favourite games) on PC, just for fun. I'm that kinda person who would play games on exam nights and read a lot in holidays (just follow what the mood wants).

Because I'm a weird+daydreamer, my life is full of weird things. And all of those things, i don't want to keep just for myself. I wanna share them to anybody out there who wants to hear me (LIE! I just love to write about my quirkyness (wait what?) so i could read again later and see how weird i am/i have been/i was).
Thank you for hearing me! (I prefer to use the word 'hear' than 'read' because it's none of your business)

Next post about my experience and daily life will be updated soon !!
See ya Doobies

RE-About Me_First post: Introduction

Dear the 19(or something)-year-old Ruth,

This is ridiculous. Everything you wrote about yourself is ridiculous! 
I mean, first off, you mention your real name at the beginning, which is such a stupid thing to do. If you wanted to write a stupid blog, make it anonymous! But not mentioning your real name kind of useless considering the fact that you link this blog to your personal google account, GREAT! You also spill the details of your place and date of birth, like why don't you just upload the copy of your National ID Card? (I'm being sarcastic if you can't figure it out already).

Second off, who do you call doobies? The readers? For real tho! Can't you be more hilarious than that? forshakespear'sbeard! I hate you!

Third off, are you sure your friends called you a nerd and the weird one? Or was it just the tag you put on yourself? Did they say that directly to your face or you just prejudiced things? Also, when your friends asked you what you were doing, how did you respond to them again? Telling them that you were busy thinking about this universe? Did you mean it for real, or were you just being sarcastic? Because nobody in their right mind would ever, ever, say that! Even though, let's say, you were at that time thinking about the universe (I know how random your brain can process things within the span of 12 seconds), you were not supposed to be that bluntly honest to your friends. Not everyone wants to know what you're thinking! Sometimes they just ask you things for the sake of being polite, not because they care! Be more socially aware, kid. I wouldn't blame them for calling you weird if this is the case.

Also, don't be a snob by accusing your friends that what they were talking about for hours in groups is shitty or useless or whatever. They were socializing, unlike you! At some point, for a certain period of time, you should've dropped your precious agenda thinking about the universe, and joined them in their group chat. That was the important thing you missed out during your college year, and guess what, you can't turn back the time now, can you? I guess you did have some chit chat time with your friends back then, no doubt. But you can't deny, that's the aspect you lack on. Like let's be honest, how much time you spent for that (compares to busy being a nerd) and how genuine were you when you indulged in socializing stuff? See? Now you can't answer that. Not because you don't know the answer, but because you know it TOO WELL. Eh

Alright, I'm not here to blame you any further. In fact, I'm not here to blame you at all, let alone to judge you. I just feel like I need to tell you this, so here I go.

My advice is, be better, holistically. In every aspect of life. What do I mean with this? Well it's your job to figure out.

Lots of Love