Thursday, February 4, 2016

Second post : Crazy Monkey... Damn YOu!!

Hellloww Doobiesss
what'z up?!
The first experience i want to share to all of you guys happened last year,, on December 28th exactly. I was spending my christmas holiday just at home (as always) when my friend asked me to go out with some of my classmates. Actually I didn't want to 'coz I was just  getting better from sick..but..... I thought going out for some fresh air might not be a bad idea so I decided to go.

It was 'Gua Monyet' that we chose to visit. We were bored to go to the beach so we picked a totally different place than usual. Alright, let's get back to "Gua Monyet". The place was named Gua Monyet 'coz there are many monkeys living inside the cave (Monyet means monkeys). It's not like common caves you've ever seen. Just some holes of mountain coral-stone which are look like caves (I don't know what im saying. Just picture any cave you like LOL)

Before getting there, we stopped by at a snack bar to buy some snacks for us and for the monkeys, of course. We were told that if we go there without bringing snacks or something to eat, the monkeys will get angry and carry away our belongings. That's why we prepared everything well 'coz we didn't want they stole our bag or HP into their caves :D LoL

Right after we were there, one by one monkeys were coming out from the cave and looking at  us. We fed them the snacks. They were so tame that you don't have to be afraid that your hands will be eaten/bitten/chewed by them. I gave them food in my hand and they ate that, not my hand but the food certainly  :v

       (It's me :) feeding the monkey)

The crazy thing was,, even I've fed them, they still stole my own belonging. My Coca-Cola. Yeahh one of the monkeys ( I bet he was the worst/naughtiest one) grabbed the coca-cola from my hand. I only had a sip (Damn Monkey) ..

Look! looks like he enjoyed the cola so much.. my coca-cola :( 
I promise one day if I come back here I will bring a bottle of whiskey,, A special gift for this one brat (The coca-cola monkey).

And not only my coca-cola.. a bottle of mineral water (AQUA) was also stolen by one of them (maybe the best friend of that one which has stolen my coca-cola :D). Since the bottle couldn't be opened, he tore the bottle using his teeth till the water came out and he drank it up.
I was wondering,, Do monkeys eat and drink everything we eat and drink? after coca-cola, AQUA,  what's next? Coffee? Tea? duhh

By the way, that was one of many nice experience i've ever had (however the monkeys were not all nice) :D

The thing that  has been stuck in my mind is,, is that kind of place will still exist in this modern n global world? Let's say a decade from now... How long till the place be changed to hotels or any factory buildings?  Will the monkeys survive? Or will they have the same fate as the great dinosaurs?