Thursday, September 13, 2018

Mangrove Forest - and green water paranoia

Now you see how moody I am. I was so excited to write a blog when I first created this undoubtedly-unimportant blog two years ago (i reread my first post and really...really... i wanna throw up).

But theeeeeeen, after two posts, my excitement seemed to crawl out of my body and soul somehow, so this undoubtedly-pathetic blog was left uncared (this blog has the same fate with the flowers that i ever planted). A year after I gave birth to this blog, I came back with a story about a crazy monkey, then I disappeared again for almost a year. 

I'm writing this now because of (no, my excitement hasn't crawled back) being motivated.

So recently I love to watch motivational and inspirational videos on youtube (coz i thought i was so unmotivated that i might end up commit suicide once my parents stop funding me) and i came across a video, there's a middle-aged woman (crap! i forgot her name) talking about 'window' and stuff. She said everyone has 5 seconds to transform knowledge into action. Within these five seconds, the window that allows us to jump from knowledge to action is open. Take a quick move! OR your motivation will go into waste. This concept has successfully made me wake up early for the past three days (Do i hear clapping? :D) Whenever i feel like waking up, i just jump out of bed, NO SNOOZING.

This morning, I was reading a fiction book of Paulo Coelho entitled  The Winner Stands Alone (have you read this? mind to share your review? okay nevermind) and after I finished a chapter, my mood started to crawl somewhere, so i started to think about doing something else. BLOG! Yes... I have a blog (3 blogs honestly) and I completely forgot about it for awhile. Should I write a post? Should I? About what? and my mind was like telling me, 'okay i open a window for u to jump in five, four, three...' so i was like, Fine I'll do it!

So here I am! Fully motivated yet don't know what to write about... LoL

(after i typed LoL, i opened my photo gallery looking for some inspiration and i suddenly knew what to share. That's when i changed the tittle of this post from 'crap... just write!' to 'Mangrove Forest'.)

During the process of writing my thesis, i took quite a lot of trips to some places nearby that i had never visited before. I know it's ridiculous. I mean, even in vacation, i don't usually go anywhere. I love my bed, my pillow, my books, my pc, everything about my room and the smell of it. But when i was writing my thesis, my brain kept shouting the holy chant 'trip! trip! trip! go out! go out! out!

So every other day (maybe everyday), after I submitted the after-revised thesis to the supervisor, i went out with my partner in trip. I guess i refered to her on the previous post as BBF. We're no longer BBF (I guess), coz now i'm quite close to her other protective bestfriends. They'r incredibly nice actually- with different n unique personality. I'll talk about them on next post.

One of the place that we visited was Mangrove Forest. It's not really far from my house, less then an hour ride. I'd never been there before though it isn't far. 
Mangrove Forest is a quite popular destination in NTT actually. I've seen lots of my friends posted their photos on facebook in this place.

To be there and breathe the fresh air was way greater than seeing the beauty of it through others' shot. 
It's beautiful! Soooo nature! 

We walked on the wooden bridge, surrounded by mangrove everywhere, bellow the bridge was kinda-green-water... Pardon my lame description. 

I mean, the bridge starts from the seashore to the sea... but as long as you can see the mangroves, the water is green until you're no longer see the green leaves and only the ocean, that's when you'll have the clear vision of the blue sea, blue sky, and the high mountain on the other side of the sea.

There're some water cottages you can use to take a rest before continue walking along the bridge. (I dont know since when i change the personal pronoun from I/we to you... God, i so suck at this).

So here are some pics of me... I hope the pics can give you a clearer view about Mangrove Forest 😁

See the water? I was actually a bit paranoid by the water. What if there're crocodiles down there? What if my phone fall down? and lots of What ifs... ikr

Now you know why there're lots pics of me. I have my own photographer ^_^

The one acting like going to fly with the help of a jacket is my lil sister.

Though there's an unpaid-photographer, selfie must go on ^_^

My version of  Yoga LoL

Now this is the end of the long bridge. Some kids jump down the sea to swim around. Legends don't swim LMFAO

So that's it! Hope you enjoy the tour (and my junk thought) and let's hope that i'll stay motivated to write the next post soon (and i i hope i don't give a new definition of 'soon').  

Let's stay inspired and motivated!