Friday, November 5, 2021


    A middle aged woman from my neighborhood committed suicide recently, and people have been talking about this. As much as i tried not to 'care', i heard someone said something like this, "How could she have such a short-term way of thinking?" The moment i heard this, trust me, i wanted so bad to roll my eyes, but i'm just not used to it sooo yeah i didn't, but here's the thing, how can we be judgy even toward someone who's already dead? Short-term way of thinking? She might have spent days or even weeks, months, trying to work her way out of the dirt. She might have been thinking of thousands of ways to fix whatever situation she was facing. We'd never know. It's just too bad out of those thousands ways she couldn't see even a single one that would work out. She thought it was all hopeless. She was hopeless. And noone was by her side to convince her that things gonna be okay. I don't justify what she did, but i have no right to blame her, or her way of thinking. And yeah it's pointless now to rattle about this on the internet, but i believe we can always learn something from this.


We're busy, for sure, dealing with our own life, but please take a moment once in awhile, to check up on our beloved ones. They might currently need a support system. Please be available for them.


You hear a terrible incident, like suicide? Trust me, nothing you say matters! The least you can say is your sincere condolences. Noone needs your baseless opinions as to why and how she/he did that. You are neither a police officer nor a k-9 police dog. Go sniff your nose at Burger King, it smells better there.


Suicide isn't escaping. Think about it this way, escaping is more like this; a prisoner was so frustrating spending his life in a small windowless room that smelled like his own pee, so he found a way to escape the prison by digging a tunnel, or let's say, by taking a shrinking pill. All attempts by the authorities to find him had failed so they closed the case. Meanwhile, miles away from that prison, somewhere in Maldives, he's living his best life. Now that's a beautiful escape story. You know the point is escaping is about getting out of a bad situation to a better one. Have you watched Money Heist? You see how they escape the building and ended up somewhere in Thailand or somewhere, enjoying their lives? That's what i'm talking about. Suicide doesn't take you anywhere! It just simply erases your existence. While your problem remains. What's so cool about that? You think you're free when you are no longer breathing? Well, corpses don't know the concept of freedom. Only living humans do. So the concept of ending your life to instantly buy your freedom is bogus.

If you ever had/have the thought of committing suicide, please... think of the people who love you like crazy. Or if you think you have none, maybe that's the reason why you shouldn't give up on life. Because you still need to find love, the people who love you. They are out there! They really are. Because yeah life is cruel, but God isn't. That's for sure.
Let's survive!

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