Wednesday, February 10, 2021


So here's the thing (let's just forget the fact that i haven't posted in forever and now i calmly act like nothing happens bcs seriously tho, nothing happens!) i'm 23 now. Oh shoot, privacy! Shouldn't have said that, but meh... the internet knows it all so whatever. And i'm gonna be 24 soon in March, there you go, my zodiac is pisces right right (no, i don't take that zodiac thing seriously...i'm just bored, as i've always been). So far you can see that i really have nothing to say... i'm just... i said. 

Anyway, how much do you think the internet knows about you?

It's fricking annoying when you search your name on google and you can see all your social media accounts pop up like privacy is just a meaningless word exists in Oxford dictionary to make it looks a bit more sophisticated. To make matter worse, when you see the accounts that you created long looong ago - when you were so stupidly optimistic that one day you gonna marry that random pop star you once worshiped solemnly like the ancient Greek worshiped Zeus - and no matter how much you want to terminate that stupid account you just can't because you forget all the information required to log back in, so you just hold your breath, and read through everything while cursing and calming yourself down at the same time. USELESS. IM TALKING ABOUT MY OLD TWITTER ACCOUNT pft 

Let's just forget about the internet thing because it's scary. Seriously. But hold on, is there a single person on earth who can control the internet. I'm talking about control as in FULL CONTROL, not just FULL ACCESS. Maybe there is (are?). Which makes it scarier. But i don't know which one is scarier, that no one can fully control the internet - which means this technology advancement is getting way ahead of human civilization (well, it's interconnected actually, maybe i put it wrong but you know what i mean) - or there are people who can fully control the internet. Personally i think the later is the scarier. Simply because i don't trust humans. But i can't say that the first option is less scary.


Here's the thing (am i repeating myself? don't blame me...i don't write with draft or even outline), it's 2021 now. And the COVID-19 pandemic is still roaring loudly, taking souls every minute every day. And also, there are natural disasters; flood, volcanos, earthquakes, etc etc like universe, what the fuck bro! Are you bored tooo, just like me?

Okay let's just drop it. Talking about what's happening right now in this world makes me like a hypocrite hermit because seriously tho, i don't care (or maybe i just try not to care too much).

Maybe i should put this in the trash and go back to the phone instead because i have 999+ unread messages on WhatsApp to respond to. Not to brag, it's not something to be proud of. Elon Musk probably has only less than 10 unread messages on his WhatsApp right now and obviously his bank account is way more .... (fill in the blank) than mine. That 999+ only shows how pathetic i am. Because i'm bored. And i have a truck load of texts waiting to be replied. It's like standing in the crowd and feeling lonely AF. Okay maybe i'm exaggerating but that's kinda what i feel.

Hpufftt like someone would understand..duhh... I know there're lots of people out there standing in my shoes, but i mean, at this particular moment, writing all this down is kinda stupid. Because what do you expect? What do i expect? Right...spending time. I'm waiting for my beauty mask to dry and that's it. TIME'S UP!


(that's not a secret code for a secret vault...i'm just bored) 

Anyway why do they make this computer keyboard arrangement like this? I mean not alphabetically (the numbers are from 1 - 10, in its perfect order), but qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm? Who came up with this idea?

Okay i really need to stop this...the mask needs to be peeled off geeezz

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